Make the rest of your life the best of your life!

Serving those with Orofacial Myofunctional Disorders for over 10 years!

Make the rest of your life the best of your life!

Serving those with Orofacial Myofunctional Disorders for over 10 years!

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Results for myofunctional therapist

Results for myofunctional therapist

Kelly Bradshaw, RDH COM®

As an experienced dental hygienist, I came across a lot of children who were having sleep, breathing, and behavioral problems. Those same children shared a lot of the same dental and oral characteristics. Many of them had seen doctors who had no answers (other than medication) for their issues of bedwetting, allergies, ADHD, snoring, grinding, thumbsucking, mouthbreathing, etc. Many had been told they would “grow out of it.”

Location: 12744 S. Pflumm Rd Olathe, KS 66062
Phone: (913) 498-3419

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Jennie Herklotz, M.A., CCC-SLP

Location: 1025 W Glen Oaks Ln #107 Mequon, WI 53092P
Phone: 262-302-4166

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Susan Arnold

Location: 7451 Wiles Road Suite 203 Coral Springs, FL 33067
Phone: 954-227-8255

Shelly Azevedo

Location: 5800 Stanford Ranch Rd. Suite 520, Rocklin, Ca.
Phone: 209-327-2446

Katrina Dahdah RDH

Location: 2800 Aurora Road suite G Melbourne, FL. 32935
Phone: 321-863-7601

Brenda Davis

Location: 600 Market St. Suite 100 Chapel Hill, NC 27516
Phone: 512-789-3398

Olga Fazlyeva

Location: 600 Valley Rd, Warrington, PA 18976
Phone: 484-213-5388

Jil Gertz MA/SLP

Location: 5516 S. Fort Apache Rd Suite 130 Las Vegas, NV 89148
Phone: 792-275-4458

Jenny Gularte, RDH

Location: 1111 21st St. Unit B Santa Monica, CA 90403
Phone: 760-415-4848

Melissa Hernandez

Location: 5701 Carmel Ave NE, Suite B Albuquerque, NM 87113
Phone: 505-306-4403

LeeAnn Kyriakides

Location: 7231 Forestview lane north, Maple Grove, mn55369
Phone: 763-315-6616

Steven Lamberg

Location: 140 Main Street, Northport, NY 11768
Phone: 631-261-6014

Kim Laughlin

Location: 250 Blossom Hill Rd, Los Gatos, CA 95032
Phone: 408-354-5600

Laura Lukin DDS

Location: 7417 Branford Place, Suite 100 Sugar Land, TX 77479

Suzanne Robertson

Location: 7440 Girard Avenue, Suite 4 La Jolla, Ca 92037
Phone: 858-752-4571

Alyssa Stiles

Location: 226 Paul St Suite 105 Pittsburgh, PA 15211
Phone: 412-407-2668

Amber Stull

Location: Scottsbluff, NE
Phone: 307-314-2175

Victoria Tan

Location: 274 Madison Avenue, Suite 704, New York
Phone: 917-392-9744

Melinda Walls

Location: 23922 Cinco Village Center Blvd, Suite 200 Katy, Texas 77494
Phone: 281-391-8255

Melissa Wilson

Location: 1800 Old Pecos Trail Santa Fe, NM 87505
Phone: 505-424-8777

What do those credentials mean?

AACP - American Academy of Professional Coders
ABCDSM - American Board of Dental Sleep Medicine
ABLS - Advanced Burn Life Support
AAS - Associate of Applied Science
ANLC - Advanced Nurse Lactation Consultant
APRN - Advanced Practice Registered Nurse
BA - Bachelor's Degree 
BBA - Bachelor of Business Administration
BAO - Bachelor of Obstetrics
BCh - Bachelor of Surgery
BN - Bachelor of Nursing
BS - Bachelor's of Science
BSN - Bachelor of Science in Nursing
BScN - Bachelor of Science in Nursing (Canada)
BSDH - Bachelor of Science in Dental Hygiene
CACCP - Certification by the Academy Council of Chiropractic Pediatrics
CAS - Certified Addiction Specialist 
CCC - Certificate of Clinical Competence
C.C.C.-SP - Certificate of Clinical Competence in Speech-Language Pathology 
CCC-SLP - Certificate of Clinical Competence in Speech Language Pathology
CCC-SLP/L -Certificate of Clinical Competence in Speech Language Pathology (licensed)
CD - Certified Dietitians
CCFP - Certification in the College of Family Physicians
CERT. ORTHO - Certified Orthodontist 
CIMI - Certified Instructor of Infant Massage
CLEC - Lactation Educator Counselor
ClinScD - Doctor of Clinical Science 
CNM - Certified Nurse-Midwive
COM - Certified Orofacial Myologist
CPAM - Congenital Pulmonary Airway Malformations
CPMT - A Certified Pediatric Massage Therapist
CST - Craniosacral Therapy
DABOI - American Board of Oral Implantology
DABPD - American Board of Pediatric Dentistry
DC - Doctor of Chiropractic
DCH - Diploma in Child Health
DDS - Doctor of Dental Surgery
DH - Dental Hygienist
DMD - Doctor of Medicine in Dentistry
DrMedSc - Doctor of Medical Science
ECP II - Extended Care Permit II 
ED - Education Specialist 
EFDA - Expanded Function Dental Assistant
FAADH - Fellow in American Academy of Dental Hygiene
FAAID - Fellow American Academy of Implant Dentistry
FAAP - Fellow of the American Academy of Pediatrics
FAAPD - Fellow of the American Academy of Pediatric Dentistry.
FAGD - Fellow Academy of General Dentistry 
FBPI - Fellow Behavior Plan of Intervention
FRCD(C) - Fellow of the Royal College of Dentists of Canada
FWCLI - Fellowship World Class Laser Dentistry
GPR - General Practice Residency
IBCLC - International Board Certified Lactation Consultant
LCCE - Lamaze Certified Childbirth Educator
LDH - Licensed Dental Hygienist
LMT - Licensed Massage Therapist
LSVT-C - Lee Silverman Voice Treatment certified
MA - Master of Arts
M.Ed - Master of Education degree
MACLP - Master of Arts in Clinical Psychology. with an Emphasis in Marriage and Family Therapy with Latinas/os
MAGD - Master of the Academy of General Dentistry
MALD - Mastery of the Academy of Laser Dentistry
MB - Bachelor of Medicine
MICGP - Membership of the Irish College of General Practitioners
MCD - Masters in Communication Disorders
MD - Medical Doctor
MFA - Master of Fine Arts
MHSc.- Master of Health Science
MLT - Medical Laboratory Technology
MPH - Master of Public Health
MPT - Master of Physical Therapy
MS - Master of Science degree
MSD - Master of Science in Dentistry
MSN - Master of Science in Nursing
MSP - Master of Professional Studies
NNP-BC - Board Certified Neonatal Nurse Practitioner
NTMTC - Neonatal Touch and Massage Therapy Certification
OM - Orofacial Myologist
OMT - Orofacial Myofunctional Therapist
OTD - Doctor of Occupational Therapy
OTR/L - Occupational Therapist, Registered, Licensed
PC - Professional Corporation
PhD - Doctor of Philosophy
PT - Physical Therapists
QOM - Qualified Orofacial Myologist
RDH - Registered Dental Hygienist
RDHAP - Registered Dental Hygienist in Alternative Practice 
RLC - Registered Lactation ConsultantRN
RN-C - Registered Nurse Certified
SIPT-C - Sensory Integration and Praxis Tests Certified
SLP - Speech Language Pathologist
SLP-L - Speech Language Pathologist Licensed
ST - Speech Therapist
TSHH - Teacher of the Speech and Hearing Handicapped
TSSLD - The Certificate, Teacher of Students with Speech and Language Disabilities
WDP - Wilson Dyslexia Practitioner

Kelly Bradshaw, RDH COM®

As an experienced dental hygienist, I came across a lot of children who were having sleep, breathing, and behavioral problems. Those same children shared a lot of the same dental and oral characteristics. Many of them had seen doctors who had no answers (other than medication) for their issues of bedwetting, allergies, ADHD, snoring, grinding, thumbsucking, mouthbreathing, etc. Many had been told they would “grow out of it.”

Location: 12744 S. Pflumm Rd Olathe, KS 66062
Phone: (913) 498-3419

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Susan Arnold

Location: 7451 Wiles Road Suite 203 Coral Springs, FL 33067
Phone: 954-227-8255

Shelly Azevedo

Location: 5800 Stanford Ranch Rd. Suite 520, Rocklin, Ca.
Phone: 209-327-2446

Katrina Dahdah RDH

Location: 2800 Aurora Road suite G Melbourne, FL. 32935
Phone: 321-863-7601

Brenda Davis

Location: 600 Market St. Suite 100 Chapel Hill, NC 27516
Phone: 512-789-3398

Olga Fazlyeva

Location: 600 Valley Rd, Warrington, PA 18976
Phone: 484-213-5388

Jil Gertz MA/SLP

Location: 5516 S. Fort Apache Rd Suite 130 Las Vegas, NV 89148
Phone: 792-275-4458

Jenny Gularte, RDH

Location: 1111 21st St. Unit B Santa Monica, CA 90403
Phone: 760-415-4848

Melissa Hernandez

Location: 5701 Carmel Ave NE, Suite B Albuquerque, NM 87113
Phone: 505-306-4403

LeeAnn Kyriakides

Location: 7231 Forestview lane north, Maple Grove, mn55369
Phone: 763-315-6616

Steven Lamberg

Location: 140 Main Street, Northport, NY 11768
Phone: 631-261-6014

Kim Laughlin

Location: 250 Blossom Hill Rd, Los Gatos, CA 95032
Phone: 408-354-5600

Laura Lukin DDS

Location: 7417 Branford Place, Suite 100 Sugar Land, TX 77479

Suzanne Robertson

Location: 7440 Girard Avenue, Suite 4 La Jolla, Ca 92037
Phone: 858-752-4571

Alyssa Stiles

Location: 226 Paul St Suite 105 Pittsburgh, PA 15211
Phone: 412-407-2668

Amber Stull

Location: Scottsbluff, NE
Phone: 307-314-2175

Victoria Tan

Location: 274 Madison Avenue, Suite 704, New York
Phone: 917-392-9744

Melinda Walls

Location: 23922 Cinco Village Center Blvd, Suite 200 Katy, Texas 77494
Phone: 281-391-8255

Melissa Wilson

Location: 1800 Old Pecos Trail Santa Fe, NM 87505
Phone: 505-424-8777

What do those credentials mean?

AACP - American Academy of Professional Coders
ABCDSM - American Board of Dental Sleep Medicine
ABLS - Advanced Burn Life Support
AAS - Associate of Applied Science
ANLC - Advanced Nurse Lactation Consultant
APRN - Advanced Practice Registered Nurse
BA - Bachelor's Degree 
BBA - Bachelor of Business Administration
BAO - Bachelor of Obstetrics
BCh - Bachelor of Surgery
BN - Bachelor of Nursing
BS - Bachelor's of Science
BSN - Bachelor of Science in Nursing
BScN - Bachelor of Science in Nursing (Canada)
BSDH - Bachelor of Science in Dental Hygiene
CACCP - Certification by the Academy Council of Chiropractic Pediatrics
CAS - Certified Addiction Specialist 
CCC - Certificate of Clinical Competence
C.C.C.-SP - Certificate of Clinical Competence in Speech-Language Pathology 
CCC-SLP - Certificate of Clinical Competence in Speech Language Pathology
CCC-SLP/L -Certificate of Clinical Competence in Speech Language Pathology (licensed)
CD - Certified Dietitians
CCFP - Certification in the College of Family Physicians
CERT. ORTHO - Certified Orthodontist 
CIMI - Certified Instructor of Infant Massage
CLEC - Lactation Educator Counselor
ClinScD - Doctor of Clinical Science 
CNM - Certified Nurse-Midwive
COM - Certified Orofacial Myologist
CPAM - Congenital Pulmonary Airway Malformations
CPMT - A Certified Pediatric Massage Therapist
CST - Craniosacral Therapy
DABOI - American Board of Oral Implantology
DABPD - American Board of Pediatric Dentistry
DC - Doctor of Chiropractic
DCH - Diploma in Child Health
DDS - Doctor of Dental Surgery
DH - Dental Hygienist
DMD - Doctor of Medicine in Dentistry
DrMedSc - Doctor of Medical Science
ECP II - Extended Care Permit II 
ED - Education Specialist 
EFDA - Expanded Function Dental Assistant
FAADH - Fellow in American Academy of Dental Hygiene
FAAID - Fellow American Academy of Implant Dentistry
FAAP - Fellow of the American Academy of Pediatrics
FAAPD - Fellow of the American Academy of Pediatric Dentistry.
FAGD - Fellow Academy of General Dentistry 
FBPI - Fellow Behavior Plan of Intervention
FRCD(C) - Fellow of the Royal College of Dentists of Canada
FWCLI - Fellowship World Class Laser Dentistry
GPR - General Practice Residency
IBCLC - International Board Certified Lactation Consultant
LCCE - Lamaze Certified Childbirth Educator
LDH - Licensed Dental Hygienist
LMT - Licensed Massage Therapist
LSVT-C - Lee Silverman Voice Treatment certified
MA - Master of Arts
M.Ed - Master of Education degree
MACLP - Master of Arts in Clinical Psychology. with an Emphasis in Marriage and Family Therapy with Latinas/os
MAGD - Master of the Academy of General Dentistry
MALD - Mastery of the Academy of Laser Dentistry
MB - Bachelor of Medicine
MICGP - Membership of the Irish College of General Practitioners
MCD - Masters in Communication Disorders
MD - Medical Doctor
MFA - Master of Fine Arts
MHSc.- Master of Health Science
MLT - Medical Laboratory Technology
MPH - Master of Public Health
MPT - Master of Physical Therapy
MS - Master of Science degree
MSD - Master of Science in Dentistry
MSN - Master of Science in Nursing
MSP - Master of Professional Studies
NNP-BC - Board Certified Neonatal Nurse Practitioner
NTMTC - Neonatal Touch and Massage Therapy Certification
OM - Orofacial Myologist
OMT - Orofacial Myofunctional Therapist
OTD - Doctor of Occupational Therapy
OTR/L - Occupational Therapist, Registered, Licensed
PC - Professional Corporation
PhD - Doctor of Philosophy
PT - Physical Therapists
QOM - Qualified Orofacial Myologist
RDH - Registered Dental Hygienist
RDHAP - Registered Dental Hygienist in Alternative Practice 
RLC - Registered Lactation ConsultantRN
RN-C - Registered Nurse Certified
SIPT-C - Sensory Integration and Praxis Tests Certified
SLP - Speech Language Pathologist
SLP-L - Speech Language Pathologist Licensed
ST - Speech Therapist
TSHH - Teacher of the Speech and Hearing Handicapped
TSSLD - The Certificate, Teacher of Students with Speech and Language Disabilities
WDP - Wilson Dyslexia Practitioner
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