Results for Canada
Results for Canada
Lindsay Knutson Smith, SLP
Lindsay has over 10 years of experience working children in the public education sector and recently endeavored to open a private practice that specializes in working with infants, toddlers, children and adults with varying degrees Orofacial Myofunctional Disorders.
Location: Winnipeg, Manitoba CANADA
Doris Waite, RDH, Certified Orofacial Myofunctional Therapist (AOMT-C), Buteyko Breathing Educator
Since 2012, I have been working with children to develop and tone their muscles to help them breathe, chew and swallow properly.
Location: 319528 Grey Road 1
Kemble, ON Canada
Phone: 519-371-1297
Karrie Page R.SLP, R.-SLP(C), COM, IBCLC
Location: 80 300 Donlevy Avenue, Red Deer, Alberta
Phone: 403-391-1413
Melanie Aldom
Location: Ontario, Canada ONT CANADA
Phone: 705-455-9270
Maddie Amyotte RN IBCLC
Location: Fort McMurray Alberta Canada T9K1R3
Phone: 780-902-3549
Annie Bertrand M.Sc.(A) S-LP(c), Speech-Language Pathologist
Location: Polyclinique Visitation
127 Visitation #204
Joliette, Québec, Canada
J6E 4N4
Phone: 450-755-1713
Barbara Brown RDH, COM
Location: 2692 Coopers Circle
Airdrie, Alberta, Canada
T4B 3B8
Phone: 587-585-6374
Andrea Chance, M.Cl.Sc., S-LP(C) reg CASLPO
Location: 262 Wilson Ave Toronto, ON M3H1S6
Crystal Chartrand
Location: BC Canada V2H 1G3
Phone: 250-314-6732
Dr. Siyi Chen, DDS
Location: Maple Ridge, BC V2X 5Z6 Canada
Phone: (604) 463-8580
Sara Chirico DDS
Location: 3930 Montrose Rd
Niagara Falls, ON
L2H 3C9
Phone: 905-357-9090
Loree Christianson
Location: Vancouver BC, Canada V6J 1R1
Phone: 604-537-7532
Lorna Clements
Location: Saskatchewan, Canada S6H 4J3
Tudor Codreanu BN, DDS, GPR, IV Cert
Location: 684 Ontario St
Stratford, ON
N5A 3J7
Phone: 519-305-9100
Nicole Dickson MSLP, R.SLP, SLP [C], COM
Location: 141 Kincora Cove NW
Calgary, AB
T3R 1L1
Phone: 403-835-4584
Cheryl Dowhan Metcalfe
Location: Ontario N8W 4K8 CANADA
Phone: 519-974-5953
Sharon Farquharson
Location: Burnaby, BC V5H 4H2
Phone: 604-638-3133
John Fayad DDS
Location: 50 Marketplace Avenue
Unit 11/13
Ottawa, Ontario
Phone: 613-823-4001
Malisa Gambacorta B.A. (Hons), B.Sc., M.Sc., D.D.S
Location: Dentistry on Dundurn
50 Dundurn St. South
Hamilton, ON
L8P 4W3
Phone: 905-546-0333
Jodi Gergely
Location: Calgary, AB Canada
Phone: 403-547-8888
Ajeet Ghumman DDS, Cert. Ortho., FRCD(C)
Location: ON L6A 1S8 Canada
Phone: 905-417-2825
Janice Goodman
Location: 600 Sherbourne St. Suite 815
Toronto M4X1W4
Phone: 416-928-0189
Tammy Gouweloos RDH, OMT
Location: 11 Ferris Lane Suite 306 Barrie, Ontario L4M 5N6 Canada
Rebecca Hoehne, RDH, COM
Location: Alberta
Phone: 780-965-9719
Vera J Horn RDH, COM
Location: Edmonton, Alberta Canada T5J 5H2
Phone: 780-983-2493
Jennifer S. Kroeker
Location: Vancouver, BC Canada V6H 3V3
Phone: 604-644-9917
Kelly MacGregor MD CCFP IBCLC BSc
Location: 101-3230 Parsons Road NW
Edmonton, AB
Phone: 587-404-0570
Linda Dionne Marcoux RN, BScN, IBCLC, RLC
Location: McLennan, Alberta, Canada T0H 2L0
Phone: 780-837-4397
Katie McCullough
Location: Salmon Arm BC, Canada V1E 4R5
Phone: 250-463-2888
Andrea McKee
Location: 19618 Hammond Rd. Pitt Meadows, BC V3Y 1R8
Andrea Melnyk
Location: Unity, SK Saskatoon, SK Virtual Therapy
Cheryl E. Mohammed
Location: Alberta T6W 1K2 Canada
Phone: 780-435-1844
Ishrat Naurine
Location: Calgary, AB T3H 3P8
Phone: 403-297-9606
Kari Pederson
Location: Edmonton, AB Canada T6J7C4
Phone: 780-915-7820
Karen Pollock
Location: Alberta, Canada T6J 7C3
Phone: 780-340-6607
James Redd DDS
Location: Calgary, Alberta Canada
Phone: 403-289-6615
Lauren Reznick MS, CCC-SLP, QOM
Location: 262 Wilson Avenue
Toronto, Ontario M3H 1S6
Phone: 416-636-5676
Marika V. Roman
Location: Toronto, Ontario M5R 1B2
Phone: 416-967-7325
Diana Seiranova
Location: North Vancouver, B.C. Canada
Naurine Shah
Location: Calgary Alberta T2Y5C5
Phone: 403-613-7564
Alyse Shockey
Location: Jessup
Phone: 703-475-1535
Simi Silver, DDS, OM
Location: 510 Richardson Ave
Ottawa, ON
K2B 5H1
Phone: 613-829-5921
Nichole Skelton, RDH, BSc(DH), IAOM certification track- Orofacial Myofunctional Therapist
Location: Lethbridge, Alberta, Canada
Phone: 403-849-2146
Dr. Andrea Stevens, DDS
Location: Kanata Ottawa, Ontario K2V1A8 Canada
Phone: 613-271-7091
Shahrzad (Shaz) Tayebi IBCLC, CST
Location: North Vancouver, BC, Canada V7J 0A3
Phone: 604-340-6684
Linda Thompson
Location: Halifax, Nova Scotia B3H1Y6
Phone: 902-404-7632
Seema Virji
Location: Edmonton, Alberta, Canada
Phone: 780-951-2362
Kristin Weaver
Location: 3037 Winspear Common S.W. Edmonton Alberta T6x1p4
Phone: 780-238-2335
Connie Wilker
Location: 98 Centrepointe Drive,
Ottawa, Ontario, K2G 6B1 CANADA
Phone: 613-228-1174 ext 143
June Williamson
Location: Ontario, Canada N9J 2V7
Phone: 519-965-8563
What do those credentials mean?
AACP - American Academy of Professional Coders
ABCDSM - American Board of Dental Sleep Medicine
ABLS - Advanced Burn Life Support
AAS - Associate of Applied Science
ANLC - Advanced Nurse Lactation Consultant
APRN - Advanced Practice Registered Nurse
BA - Bachelor's Degree
BBA - Bachelor of Business Administration
BAO - Bachelor of Obstetrics
BCh - Bachelor of Surgery
BN - Bachelor of Nursing
BS - Bachelor's of Science
BSN - Bachelor of Science in Nursing
BScN - Bachelor of Science in Nursing (Canada)
BSDH - Bachelor of Science in Dental Hygiene
CACCP - Certification by the Academy Council of Chiropractic Pediatrics
CAS - Certified Addiction Specialist
CCC - Certificate of Clinical Competence
C.C.C.-SP - Certificate of Clinical Competence in Speech-Language Pathology
CCC-SLP - Certificate of Clinical Competence in Speech Language Pathology
CCC-SLP/L -Certificate of Clinical Competence in Speech Language Pathology (licensed)
CD - Certified Dietitians
CCFP - Certification in the College of Family Physicians
CERT. ORTHO - Certified Orthodontist
CIMI - Certified Instructor of Infant Massage
CLEC - Lactation Educator Counselor
ClinScD - Doctor of Clinical Science
CNM - Certified Nurse-Midwive
COM - Certified Orofacial Myologist
CPAM - Congenital Pulmonary Airway Malformations
CPMT - A Certified Pediatric Massage Therapist
CST - Craniosacral Therapy
DABOI - American Board of Oral Implantology
DABPD - American Board of Pediatric Dentistry
DC - Doctor of Chiropractic
DCH - Diploma in Child Health
DDS - Doctor of Dental Surgery
DH - Dental Hygienist
DMD - Doctor of Medicine in Dentistry
DrMedSc - Doctor of Medical Science
ECP II - Extended Care Permit II
ED - Education Specialist
EFDA - Expanded Function Dental Assistant
FAADH - Fellow in American Academy of Dental Hygiene
FAAID - Fellow American Academy of Implant Dentistry
FAAP - Fellow of the American Academy of Pediatrics
FAAPD - Fellow of the American Academy of Pediatric Dentistry.
FAGD - Fellow Academy of General Dentistry
FBPI - Fellow Behavior Plan of Intervention
FRCD(C) - Fellow of the Royal College of Dentists of Canada
FWCLI - Fellowship World Class Laser Dentistry
GPR - General Practice Residency
IBCLC - International Board Certified Lactation Consultant
LCCE - Lamaze Certified Childbirth Educator
LDH - Licensed Dental Hygienist
LMT - Licensed Massage Therapist
LSVT-C - Lee Silverman Voice Treatment certified
MA - Master of Arts
M.Ed - Master of Education degree
MACLP - Master of Arts in Clinical Psychology. with an Emphasis in Marriage and Family Therapy with Latinas/os
MAGD - Master of the Academy of General Dentistry
MALD - Mastery of the Academy of Laser Dentistry
MB - Bachelor of Medicine
MICGP - Membership of the Irish College of General Practitioners
MCD - Masters in Communication Disorders
MD - Medical Doctor
MFA - Master of Fine Arts
MHSc.- Master of Health Science
MLT - Medical Laboratory Technology
MPH - Master of Public Health
MPT - Master of Physical Therapy
MS - Master of Science degree
MSD - Master of Science in Dentistry
MSN - Master of Science in Nursing
MSP - Master of Professional Studies
NNP-BC - Board Certified Neonatal Nurse Practitioner
NTMTC - Neonatal Touch and Massage Therapy Certification
OM - Orofacial Myologist
OMT - Orofacial Myofunctional Therapist
OTD - Doctor of Occupational Therapy
OTR/L - Occupational Therapist, Registered, Licensed
PC - Professional Corporation
PhD - Doctor of Philosophy
PT - Physical Therapists
QOM - Qualified Orofacial Myologist
RDH - Registered Dental Hygienist
RDHAP - Registered Dental Hygienist in Alternative Practice
RLC - Registered Lactation ConsultantRN
RN-C - Registered Nurse Certified
SIPT-C - Sensory Integration and Praxis Tests Certified
SLP - Speech Language Pathologist
SLP-L - Speech Language Pathologist Licensed
ST - Speech Therapist
TSHH - Teacher of the Speech and Hearing Handicapped
TSSLD - The Certificate, Teacher of Students with Speech and Language Disabilities
WDP - Wilson Dyslexia Practitioner
Karrie Page R.SLP, R.-SLP(C), COM, IBCLC
Location: 80 300 Donlevy Avenue, Red Deer, Alberta
Phone: 403-391-1413
Melanie Aldom
Location: Ontario, Canada ONT CANADA
Phone: 705-455-9270
Maddie Amyotte RN IBCLC
Location: Fort McMurray Alberta Canada T9K1R3
Phone: 780-902-3549
Annie Bertrand M.Sc.(A) S-LP(c), Speech-Language Pathologist
Location: Polyclinique Visitation
127 Visitation #204
Joliette, Québec, Canada
J6E 4N4
Phone: 450-755-1713
Barbara Brown RDH, COM
Location: 2692 Coopers Circle
Airdrie, Alberta, Canada
T4B 3B8
Phone: 587-585-6374
Andrea Chance, M.Cl.Sc., S-LP(C) reg CASLPO
Location: 262 Wilson Ave Toronto, ON M3H1S6
Crystal Chartrand
Location: BC Canada V2H 1G3
Phone: 250-314-6732
Dr. Siyi Chen, DDS
Location: Maple Ridge, BC V2X 5Z6 Canada
Phone: (604) 463-8580
Sara Chirico DDS
Location: 3930 Montrose Rd
Niagara Falls, ON
L2H 3C9
Phone: 905-357-9090
Loree Christianson
Location: Vancouver BC, Canada V6J 1R1
Phone: 604-537-7532
Lorna Clements
Location: Saskatchewan, Canada S6H 4J3
Tudor Codreanu BN, DDS, GPR, IV Cert
Location: 684 Ontario St
Stratford, ON
N5A 3J7
Phone: 519-305-9100
Nicole Dickson MSLP, R.SLP, SLP [C], COM
Location: 141 Kincora Cove NW
Calgary, AB
T3R 1L1
Phone: 403-835-4584
Cheryl Dowhan Metcalfe
Location: Ontario N8W 4K8 CANADA
Phone: 519-974-5953
Sharon Farquharson
Location: Burnaby, BC V5H 4H2
Phone: 604-638-3133
John Fayad DDS
Location: 50 Marketplace Avenue
Unit 11/13
Ottawa, Ontario
Phone: 613-823-4001
Malisa Gambacorta B.A. (Hons), B.Sc., M.Sc., D.D.S
Location: Dentistry on Dundurn
50 Dundurn St. South
Hamilton, ON
L8P 4W3
Phone: 905-546-0333
Jodi Gergely
Location: Calgary, AB Canada
Phone: 403-547-8888
Ajeet Ghumman DDS, Cert. Ortho., FRCD(C)
Location: ON L6A 1S8 Canada
Phone: 905-417-2825
Janice Goodman
Location: 600 Sherbourne St. Suite 815
Toronto M4X1W4
Phone: 416-928-0189
Tammy Gouweloos RDH, OMT
Location: 11 Ferris Lane Suite 306 Barrie, Ontario L4M 5N6 Canada
Rebecca Hoehne, RDH, COM
Location: Alberta
Phone: 780-965-9719
Vera J Horn RDH, COM
Location: Edmonton, Alberta Canada T5J 5H2
Phone: 780-983-2493
Jennifer S. Kroeker
Location: Vancouver, BC Canada V6H 3V3
Phone: 604-644-9917
Kelly MacGregor MD CCFP IBCLC BSc
Location: 101-3230 Parsons Road NW
Edmonton, AB
Phone: 587-404-0570
Linda Dionne Marcoux RN, BScN, IBCLC, RLC
Location: McLennan, Alberta, Canada T0H 2L0
Phone: 780-837-4397
Katie McCullough
Location: Salmon Arm BC, Canada V1E 4R5
Phone: 250-463-2888
Andrea McKee
Location: 19618 Hammond Rd. Pitt Meadows, BC V3Y 1R8
Andrea Melnyk
Location: Unity, SK Saskatoon, SK Virtual Therapy
Cheryl E. Mohammed
Location: Alberta T6W 1K2 Canada
Phone: 780-435-1844
Ishrat Naurine
Location: Calgary, AB T3H 3P8
Phone: 403-297-9606
Kari Pederson
Location: Edmonton, AB Canada T6J7C4
Phone: 780-915-7820
Karen Pollock
Location: Alberta, Canada T6J 7C3
Phone: 780-340-6607
James Redd DDS
Location: Calgary, Alberta Canada
Phone: 403-289-6615
Lauren Reznick MS, CCC-SLP, QOM
Location: 262 Wilson Avenue
Toronto, Ontario M3H 1S6
Phone: 416-636-5676
Marika V. Roman
Location: Toronto, Ontario M5R 1B2
Phone: 416-967-7325
Diana Seiranova
Location: North Vancouver, B.C. Canada
Naurine Shah
Location: Calgary Alberta T2Y5C5
Phone: 403-613-7564
Alyse Shockey
Location: Jessup
Phone: 703-475-1535
Simi Silver, DDS, OM
Location: 510 Richardson Ave
Ottawa, ON
K2B 5H1
Phone: 613-829-5921
Nichole Skelton, RDH, BSc(DH), IAOM certification track- Orofacial Myofunctional Therapist
Location: Lethbridge, Alberta, Canada
Phone: 403-849-2146
Dr. Andrea Stevens, DDS
Location: Kanata Ottawa, Ontario K2V1A8 Canada
Phone: 613-271-7091
Shahrzad (Shaz) Tayebi IBCLC, CST
Location: North Vancouver, BC, Canada V7J 0A3
Phone: 604-340-6684
Linda Thompson
Location: Halifax, Nova Scotia B3H1Y6
Phone: 902-404-7632
Seema Virji
Location: Edmonton, Alberta, Canada
Phone: 780-951-2362
Kristin Weaver
Location: 3037 Winspear Common S.W. Edmonton Alberta T6x1p4
Phone: 780-238-2335
Connie Wilker
Location: 98 Centrepointe Drive,
Ottawa, Ontario, K2G 6B1 CANADA
Phone: 613-228-1174 ext 143
June Williamson
Location: Ontario, Canada N9J 2V7
Phone: 519-965-8563
What do those credentials mean?
AACP - American Academy of Professional Coders
ABCDSM - American Board of Dental Sleep Medicine
ABLS - Advanced Burn Life Support
AAS - Associate of Applied Science
ANLC - Advanced Nurse Lactation Consultant
APRN - Advanced Practice Registered Nurse
BA - Bachelor's Degree
BBA - Bachelor of Business Administration
BAO - Bachelor of Obstetrics
BCh - Bachelor of Surgery
BN - Bachelor of Nursing
BS - Bachelor's of Science
BSN - Bachelor of Science in Nursing
BScN - Bachelor of Science in Nursing (Canada)
BSDH - Bachelor of Science in Dental Hygiene
CACCP - Certification by the Academy Council of Chiropractic Pediatrics
CAS - Certified Addiction Specialist
CCC - Certificate of Clinical Competence
C.C.C.-SP - Certificate of Clinical Competence in Speech-Language Pathology
CCC-SLP - Certificate of Clinical Competence in Speech Language Pathology
CCC-SLP/L -Certificate of Clinical Competence in Speech Language Pathology (licensed)
CD - Certified Dietitians
CCFP - Certification in the College of Family Physicians
CERT. ORTHO - Certified Orthodontist
CIMI - Certified Instructor of Infant Massage
CLEC - Lactation Educator Counselor
ClinScD - Doctor of Clinical Science
CNM - Certified Nurse-Midwive
COM - Certified Orofacial Myologist
CPAM - Congenital Pulmonary Airway Malformations
CPMT - A Certified Pediatric Massage Therapist
CST - Craniosacral Therapy
DABOI - American Board of Oral Implantology
DABPD - American Board of Pediatric Dentistry
DC - Doctor of Chiropractic
DCH - Diploma in Child Health
DDS - Doctor of Dental Surgery
DH - Dental Hygienist
DMD - Doctor of Medicine in Dentistry
DrMedSc - Doctor of Medical Science
ECP II - Extended Care Permit II
ED - Education Specialist
EFDA - Expanded Function Dental Assistant
FAADH - Fellow in American Academy of Dental Hygiene
FAAID - Fellow American Academy of Implant Dentistry
FAAP - Fellow of the American Academy of Pediatrics
FAAPD - Fellow of the American Academy of Pediatric Dentistry.
FAGD - Fellow Academy of General Dentistry
FBPI - Fellow Behavior Plan of Intervention
FRCD(C) - Fellow of the Royal College of Dentists of Canada
FWCLI - Fellowship World Class Laser Dentistry
GPR - General Practice Residency
IBCLC - International Board Certified Lactation Consultant
LCCE - Lamaze Certified Childbirth Educator
LDH - Licensed Dental Hygienist
LMT - Licensed Massage Therapist
LSVT-C - Lee Silverman Voice Treatment certified
MA - Master of Arts
M.Ed - Master of Education degree
MACLP - Master of Arts in Clinical Psychology. with an Emphasis in Marriage and Family Therapy with Latinas/os
MAGD - Master of the Academy of General Dentistry
MALD - Mastery of the Academy of Laser Dentistry
MB - Bachelor of Medicine
MICGP - Membership of the Irish College of General Practitioners
MCD - Masters in Communication Disorders
MD - Medical Doctor
MFA - Master of Fine Arts
MHSc.- Master of Health Science
MLT - Medical Laboratory Technology
MPH - Master of Public Health
MPT - Master of Physical Therapy
MS - Master of Science degree
MSD - Master of Science in Dentistry
MSN - Master of Science in Nursing
MSP - Master of Professional Studies
NNP-BC - Board Certified Neonatal Nurse Practitioner
NTMTC - Neonatal Touch and Massage Therapy Certification
OM - Orofacial Myologist
OMT - Orofacial Myofunctional Therapist
OTD - Doctor of Occupational Therapy
OTR/L - Occupational Therapist, Registered, Licensed
PC - Professional Corporation
PhD - Doctor of Philosophy
PT - Physical Therapists
QOM - Qualified Orofacial Myologist
RDH - Registered Dental Hygienist
RDHAP - Registered Dental Hygienist in Alternative Practice
RLC - Registered Lactation ConsultantRN
RN-C - Registered Nurse Certified
SIPT-C - Sensory Integration and Praxis Tests Certified
SLP - Speech Language Pathologist
SLP-L - Speech Language Pathologist Licensed
ST - Speech Therapist
TSHH - Teacher of the Speech and Hearing Handicapped
TSSLD - The Certificate, Teacher of Students with Speech and Language Disabilities
WDP - Wilson Dyslexia Practitioner