Sharon Farquharson
Location: Burnaby, BC V5H 4H2
Phone: 604-638-3133
John Fayad DDS
Location: 50 Marketplace Avenue
Unit 11/13
Ottawa, Ontario
Phone: 613-823-4001
Olga Fazlyeva
Location: 600 Valley Rd, Warrington, PA 18976
Phone: 484-213-5388
Lana Fedyushkina
Location: 8778 S Maryland Pkwy Ste 110, Las Vegas, NV 89123
Phone: 702-960-2246
Dr. Yanitza Feliciano Board Certified Pediatric Dentist
Location: 1800 McRae Blvd.
El Paso, Texas 79925
2nd Location: 7211 N. Mesa St. Suite 1E
El Paso, Texas 79912
Phone: 787-560-0633
E. Diane Felton MA/CCC-SLP
Location: 612 Swift Avenue
Durham, NC 27701
Phone: 919-972-8134
Kira L Femrite MS,CCC-SLP, COM
Location: 1821 South Stoughton Road
Madison, WI 53716
Phone: 608-260-6923
Janelle Ferber-Stumpf DDS
Location: N28 W23000 Roundy Drive
Suite 100
Pewaukee, WI 53072
Phone: 262-970-0111
Hope Fernicola, M.A., CCC-SLP, Certified Orofacial Myologist
233 Route, 202/206, Bedminster NJ 07921
Phone: 908-375-8237
Stephen Fetzik DMD
Location: 2548 N Maize Ct Ste 100
Wichita, KS 67205
Phone: 316-440-4432
Erin B. Fink DDS
Location: 122 2nd St SE
Sidney, MT 59270
Phone: 406-478-3802
Leslie Fisch RDH
Location: 57 E. Central Ave.
Pearl River NY 10965
Phone: 845-671-0975
Patricia K Fisher M. A., CCC, SLP
Location: Cincinnati/Dayton, OH 45011 or 45429 Phone: 513-829-8634
Elizabeth Flight RN, BSN, IBCLC, ANLC
Location: 4176 South Plaza Trail, Suite 217
Virginia Beach, VA 23452
Phone: 757-618-6311
Glenda Flora RDH
Location: Huntington Beach, California 92647
Phone: 714-321-1462
Dale McClure Floyd
Location: 215 Hawthorne Park
Suite B
Athens, GA 30606
Phone: 706-310-9241
Alicia Fonder RN, IBCLC, LCCE
Location: Sioux Falls, SD 57105
Phone: 605-553-8364
Dianne Fonssagrives MS, CCC-SLP, COM
Location: 8606 Anderson Ct., NE
Lacey, WA 98516
Phone: 360-763-5944
Kayla Fontenot MS CCC-SLP
Location: 4961 Long Prairie Rd Ste 110
Flower Mound, TX 75028
Phone: 469-458-7764
Marge Foran
Location: Helena, Montana 59601
Phone: 406-431-3441
Kaitlin Forshee DMD
Location: 4041 Hwy 90
Pace, Florida
Phone: 850-994-8185
Honor Franklin, Ph.D.,C.O.M., M.S.,CCC-SP
Location: 5438 Alpha Road
Dallas, Texas 75240
Phone: 972-233-1312
Alicia Frannicola
Location: 1425 Broad Street, Suite B Clifton, NJ 07013
Lorraine Frey, RDH, LDH, BAS
Location: Chicago, Illinois
Phone: 574-400-5696
Cissy K. Furusho DDS, MS
Location: 4801 W. Peterson, Chicago, IL 60646
Phone: 773-545-0007
What do those credentials mean?
AACP - American Academy of Professional Coders
ABCDSM - American Board of Dental Sleep Medicine
ABLS - Advanced Burn Life Support
AAS - Associate of Applied Science
ANLC - Advanced Nurse Lactation Consultant
APRN - Advanced Practice Registered Nurse
BA - Bachelor's Degree
BBA - Bachelor of Business Administration
BAO - Bachelor of Obstetrics
BCh - Bachelor of Surgery
BN - Bachelor of Nursing
BS - Bachelor's of Science
BSN - Bachelor of Science in Nursing
BScN - Bachelor of Science in Nursing (Canada)
BSDH - Bachelor of Science in Dental Hygiene
CACCP - Certification by the Academy Council of Chiropractic Pediatrics
CAS - Certified Addiction Specialist
CCC - Certificate of Clinical Competence
C.C.C.-SP - Certificate of Clinical Competence in Speech-Language Pathology
CCC-SLP - Certificate of Clinical Competence in Speech Language Pathology
CCC-SLP/L -Certificate of Clinical Competence in Speech Language Pathology (licensed)
CD - Certified Dietitians
CCFP - Certification in the College of Family Physicians
CERT. ORTHO - Certified Orthodontist
CIMI - Certified Instructor of Infant Massage
CLEC - Lactation Educator Counselor
ClinScD - Doctor of Clinical Science
CNM - Certified Nurse-Midwive
COM - Certified Orofacial Myologist
CPAM - Congenital Pulmonary Airway Malformations
CPMT - A Certified Pediatric Massage Therapist
CST - Craniosacral Therapy
DABOI - American Board of Oral Implantology
DABPD - American Board of Pediatric Dentistry
DC - Doctor of Chiropractic
DCH - Diploma in Child Health
DDS - Doctor of Dental Surgery
DH - Dental Hygienist
DMD - Doctor of Medicine in Dentistry
DrMedSc - Doctor of Medical Science
ECP II - Extended Care Permit II
ED - Education Specialist
EFDA - Expanded Function Dental Assistant
FAADH - Fellow in American Academy of Dental Hygiene
FAAID - Fellow American Academy of Implant Dentistry
FAAP - Fellow of the American Academy of Pediatrics
FAAPD - Fellow of the American Academy of Pediatric Dentistry.
FAGD - Fellow Academy of General Dentistry
FBPI - Fellow Behavior Plan of Intervention
FRCD(C) - Fellow of the Royal College of Dentists of Canada
FWCLI - Fellowship World Class Laser Dentistry
GPR - General Practice Residency
IBCLC - International Board Certified Lactation Consultant
LCCE - Lamaze Certified Childbirth Educator
LDH - Licensed Dental Hygienist
LMT - Licensed Massage Therapist
LSVT-C - Lee Silverman Voice Treatment certified
MA - Master of Arts
M.Ed - Master of Education degree
MACLP - Master of Arts in Clinical Psychology. with an Emphasis in Marriage and Family Therapy with Latinas/os
MAGD - Master of the Academy of General Dentistry
MALD - Mastery of the Academy of Laser Dentistry
MB - Bachelor of Medicine
MICGP - Membership of the Irish College of General Practitioners
MCD - Masters in Communication Disorders
MD - Medical Doctor
MFA - Master of Fine Arts
MHSc.- Master of Health Science
MLT - Medical Laboratory Technology
MPH - Master of Public Health
MPT - Master of Physical Therapy
MS - Master of Science degree
MSD - Master of Science in Dentistry
MSN - Master of Science in Nursing
MSP - Master of Professional Studies
NNP-BC - Board Certified Neonatal Nurse Practitioner
NTMTC - Neonatal Touch and Massage Therapy Certification
OM - Orofacial Myologist
OMT - Orofacial Myofunctional Therapist
OTD - Doctor of Occupational Therapy
OTR/L - Occupational Therapist, Registered, Licensed
PC - Professional Corporation
PhD - Doctor of Philosophy
PT - Physical Therapists
QOM - Qualified Orofacial Myologist
RDH - Registered Dental Hygienist
RDHAP - Registered Dental Hygienist in Alternative Practice
RLC - Registered Lactation ConsultantRN
RN-C - Registered Nurse Certified
SIPT-C - Sensory Integration and Praxis Tests Certified
SLP - Speech Language Pathologist
SLP-L - Speech Language Pathologist Licensed
ST - Speech Therapist
TSHH - Teacher of the Speech and Hearing Handicapped
TSSLD - The Certificate, Teacher of Students with Speech and Language Disabilities
WDP - Wilson Dyslexia Practitioner
Sharon Farquharson
Location: Burnaby, BC V5H 4H2
Phone: 604-638-3133
John Fayad DDS
Location: 50 Marketplace Avenue
Unit 11/13
Ottawa, Ontario
Phone: 613-823-4001
Olga Fazlyeva
Location: 600 Valley Rd, Warrington, PA 18976
Phone: 484-213-5388
Lana Fedyushkina
Location: 8778 S Maryland Pkwy Ste 110, Las Vegas, NV 89123
Phone: 702-960-2246
Dr. Yanitza Feliciano Board Certified Pediatric Dentist
Location: 1800 McRae Blvd.
El Paso, Texas 79925
2nd Location: 7211 N. Mesa St. Suite 1E
El Paso, Texas 79912
Phone: 787-560-0633
E. Diane Felton MA/CCC-SLP
Location: 612 Swift Avenue
Durham, NC 27701
Phone: 919-972-8134
Kira L Femrite MS,CCC-SLP, COM
Location: 1821 South Stoughton Road
Madison, WI 53716
Phone: 608-260-6923
Janelle Ferber-Stumpf DDS
Location: N28 W23000 Roundy Drive
Suite 100
Pewaukee, WI 53072
Phone: 262-970-0111
Hope Fernicola, M.A., CCC-SLP, Certified Orofacial Myologist
233 Route, 202/206, Bedminster NJ 07921
Phone: 908-375-8237
Stephen Fetzik DMD
Location: 2548 N Maize Ct Ste 100
Wichita, KS 67205
Phone: 316-440-4432
Erin B. Fink DDS
Location: 122 2nd St SE
Sidney, MT 59270
Phone: 406-478-3802
Leslie Fisch RDH
Location: 57 E. Central Ave.
Pearl River NY 10965
Phone: 845-671-0975
Patricia K Fisher M. A., CCC, SLP
Location: Cincinnati/Dayton, OH 45011 or 45429 Phone: 513-829-8634
Elizabeth Flight RN, BSN, IBCLC, ANLC
Location: 4176 South Plaza Trail, Suite 217
Virginia Beach, VA 23452
Phone: 757-618-6311
Glenda Flora RDH
Location: Huntington Beach, California 92647
Phone: 714-321-1462
Dale McClure Floyd
Location: 215 Hawthorne Park
Suite B
Athens, GA 30606
Phone: 706-310-9241
Alicia Fonder RN, IBCLC, LCCE
Location: Sioux Falls, SD 57105
Phone: 605-553-8364
Dianne Fonssagrives MS, CCC-SLP, COM
Location: 8606 Anderson Ct., NE
Lacey, WA 98516
Phone: 360-763-5944
Kayla Fontenot MS CCC-SLP
Location: 4961 Long Prairie Rd Ste 110
Flower Mound, TX 75028
Phone: 469-458-7764
Marge Foran
Location: Helena, Montana 59601
Phone: 406-431-3441
Kaitlin Forshee DMD
Location: 4041 Hwy 90
Pace, Florida
Phone: 850-994-8185
Honor Franklin, Ph.D.,C.O.M., M.S.,CCC-SP
Location: 5438 Alpha Road
Dallas, Texas 75240
Phone: 972-233-1312
Alicia Frannicola
Location: 1425 Broad Street, Suite B Clifton, NJ 07013
Lorraine Frey, RDH, LDH, BAS
Location: Chicago, Illinois
Phone: 574-400-5696
Cissy K. Furusho DDS, MS
Location: 4801 W. Peterson, Chicago, IL 60646
Phone: 773-545-0007
What do those credentials mean?
AACP - American Academy of Professional Coders
ABCDSM - American Board of Dental Sleep Medicine
ABLS - Advanced Burn Life Support
AAS - Associate of Applied Science
ANLC - Advanced Nurse Lactation Consultant
APRN - Advanced Practice Registered Nurse
BA - Bachelor's Degree
BBA - Bachelor of Business Administration
BAO - Bachelor of Obstetrics
BCh - Bachelor of Surgery
BN - Bachelor of Nursing
BS - Bachelor's of Science
BSN - Bachelor of Science in Nursing
BScN - Bachelor of Science in Nursing (Canada)
BSDH - Bachelor of Science in Dental Hygiene
CACCP - Certification by the Academy Council of Chiropractic Pediatrics
CAS - Certified Addiction Specialist
CCC - Certificate of Clinical Competence
C.C.C.-SP - Certificate of Clinical Competence in Speech-Language Pathology
CCC-SLP - Certificate of Clinical Competence in Speech Language Pathology
CCC-SLP/L -Certificate of Clinical Competence in Speech Language Pathology (licensed)
CD - Certified Dietitians
CCFP - Certification in the College of Family Physicians
CERT. ORTHO - Certified Orthodontist
CIMI - Certified Instructor of Infant Massage
CLEC - Lactation Educator Counselor
ClinScD - Doctor of Clinical Science
CNM - Certified Nurse-Midwive
COM - Certified Orofacial Myologist
CPAM - Congenital Pulmonary Airway Malformations
CPMT - A Certified Pediatric Massage Therapist
CST - Craniosacral Therapy
DABOI - American Board of Oral Implantology
DABPD - American Board of Pediatric Dentistry
DC - Doctor of Chiropractic
DCH - Diploma in Child Health
DDS - Doctor of Dental Surgery
DH - Dental Hygienist
DMD - Doctor of Medicine in Dentistry
DrMedSc - Doctor of Medical Science
ECP II - Extended Care Permit II
ED - Education Specialist
EFDA - Expanded Function Dental Assistant
FAADH - Fellow in American Academy of Dental Hygiene
FAAID - Fellow American Academy of Implant Dentistry
FAAP - Fellow of the American Academy of Pediatrics
FAAPD - Fellow of the American Academy of Pediatric Dentistry.
FAGD - Fellow Academy of General Dentistry
FBPI - Fellow Behavior Plan of Intervention
FRCD(C) - Fellow of the Royal College of Dentists of Canada
FWCLI - Fellowship World Class Laser Dentistry
GPR - General Practice Residency
IBCLC - International Board Certified Lactation Consultant
LCCE - Lamaze Certified Childbirth Educator
LDH - Licensed Dental Hygienist
LMT - Licensed Massage Therapist
LSVT-C - Lee Silverman Voice Treatment certified
MA - Master of Arts
M.Ed - Master of Education degree
MACLP - Master of Arts in Clinical Psychology. with an Emphasis in Marriage and Family Therapy with Latinas/os
MAGD - Master of the Academy of General Dentistry
MALD - Mastery of the Academy of Laser Dentistry
MB - Bachelor of Medicine
MICGP - Membership of the Irish College of General Practitioners
MCD - Masters in Communication Disorders
MD - Medical Doctor
MFA - Master of Fine Arts
MHSc.- Master of Health Science
MLT - Medical Laboratory Technology
MPH - Master of Public Health
MPT - Master of Physical Therapy
MS - Master of Science degree
MSD - Master of Science in Dentistry
MSN - Master of Science in Nursing
MSP - Master of Professional Studies
NNP-BC - Board Certified Neonatal Nurse Practitioner
NTMTC - Neonatal Touch and Massage Therapy Certification
OM - Orofacial Myologist
OMT - Orofacial Myofunctional Therapist
OTD - Doctor of Occupational Therapy
OTR/L - Occupational Therapist, Registered, Licensed
PC - Professional Corporation
PhD - Doctor of Philosophy
PT - Physical Therapists
QOM - Qualified Orofacial Myologist
RDH - Registered Dental Hygienist
RDHAP - Registered Dental Hygienist in Alternative Practice
RLC - Registered Lactation ConsultantRN
RN-C - Registered Nurse Certified
SIPT-C - Sensory Integration and Praxis Tests Certified
SLP - Speech Language Pathologist
SLP-L - Speech Language Pathologist Licensed
ST - Speech Therapist
TSHH - Teacher of the Speech and Hearing Handicapped
TSSLD - The Certificate, Teacher of Students with Speech and Language Disabilities
WDP - Wilson Dyslexia Practitioner