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    Terms & Conditions

    The MyofunctionalTherapist.com website is designed to allow therapist to promote their services to prospective clients. The site acts as a communications venue for the exchange of inquiries and contact information between therapist and their prospective clients.

    This website is not responsible for the content of communications among users, whether accomplished through the use of the site or otherwise.

    Because user authentication on the internet is difficult, this website cannot and does not confirm that users are who they may claim to be.

    This website does not warrant the truth or accuracy of what the businesses or therapists have represented to Myofunctiontherapist.com or what they have requested to be listed and made public on the site. Specifically, without in any way limiting any other provision of this agreement, this website does not control, warrant, or guarantee the quality, safety or legality of the services listed, the truth or accuracy of the listings, the ability of the therapists to render services, or consumers of services to receive them. Furthermore, this website does not control, warrant, or guarantee that the therapists will receive any particular number of leads, or solicitations, that the business will ultimately honor the services they offer, that prospective clients will enter into an agreement or will select a therapist through this website service. Finally, this website does not control, warrant, or guarantee that any user is who he or she claims to be or is not acting under false pretenses.

    MyofunctionalTherapist.com may monitor or review any User Submission as it chooses and reserves the right to remove, reject, or revise content that it deems inappropriate or otherwise objectionable for any reason whatever without consent. The User has the right to remove their listing from MyofunctionalTherapist.com at anytime.

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    Some links on the MyofunctionalTherapist.com website point to documents and sites which are not located within MyofunctionalTherapist.com internet domain and, therefore, are not managed or controlled by MyofunctionalTherapist.com. These links are included to point the reader to other possibly relevant resources.


    The MyofunctionalTherapist.com website is designed to allow therapist to promote their services to prospective clients. The site acts as a communications venue for the exchange of inquiries and contact information between therapist and their prospective clients.

    This website is not responsible for the content of communications among users, whether accomplished through the use of the site or otherwise.

    Because user authentication on the internet is difficult, this website cannot and does not confirm that users are who they may claim to be.

    This website does not warrant the truth or accuracy of what the businesses or therapists have represented to Myofunctiontherapist.com or what they have requested to be listed and made public on the site. Specifically, without in any way limiting any other provision of this agreement, this website does not control, warrant, or guarantee the quality, safety or legality of the services listed, the truth or accuracy of the listings, the ability of the therapists to render services, or consumers of services to receive them. Furthermore, this website does not control, warrant, or guarantee that the therapists will receive any particular number of leads, or solicitations, that the business will ultimately honor the services they offer, that prospective clients will enter into an agreement or will select a therapist through this website service. Finally, this website does not control, warrant, or guarantee that any user is who he or she claims to be or is not acting under false pretenses.

    MyofunctionalTherapist.com may monitor or review any User Submission as it chooses and reserves the right to remove, reject, or revise content that it deems inappropriate or otherwise objectionable for any reason whatever without consent. The User has the right to remove their listing from MyofunctionalTherapist.com at anytime.

    External Links Disclaimer

    Some links on the MyofunctionalTherapist.com website point to documents and sites which are not located within MyofunctionalTherapist.com internet domain and, therefore, are not managed or controlled by MyofunctionalTherapist.com. These links are included to point the reader to other possibly relevant resources.