Paula Petrone, RDH-BS, OMT, DDS

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About Paula Petrone, RDH-BS, OMT, DDS

Hello, I’m Paula Petrone, the founder and CEO of Orofacial Myofunctional Therapy (OMT) of New York. I am a myofunctional therapist, a registered dental hygienist with a B.A. in Dental Hygiene from NYU, and a dentist in my native country of Colombia.

My myofunctional therapy practice is based in Nassau County, Long Island. However, you don’t have to live locally to work with me. Through telemedicine, I am able to treat patients nationally and internationally. I can even provide services fully in Spanish if desired.

I am dedicated to helping anyone with myofunctional disorders. This dedication started when I noticed that my daughter, at four years old, was snoring. I found it unusual and did a little research to learn that snoring can be a sign of bigger issues involving the airway and other factors.

Motivated to prevent my daughter from having future problems, I discovered myofunctional therapy and its many solutions to sleep and airway restrictions. I trained to become a myofunctional therapist and used my newfound knowledge to help my daughter stop snoring.

As a result, she breathes breaths better, sleeps better, and leads an overall healthier life. Now, I want to help others with airway issues like hers so they may also lead healthy and happy lives.

If you think you have airway issues or any type of myofunctional disorder, contact me and let’s talk about it. I can show you what options are available to you.

OMT of New York

Orofacial Myofunctional Therapy of New York is dedicated to providing solutions for our patients’ orofacial myofunctional disorders. These include sleep, breathing, and airway issues, as well as tongue tie, and temporomandibular mandibular (TMJ) disorders. We treat them with professional, well-rounded care and provide the tools and education needed to continue to live healthy lives.

Our primary focus is to achieve oral rest posture for our patients. Oral rest posture is the optimal position of the tongue and facial muscles when they are at rest. Achieving oral rest posture leads to the development of larger jaws with less teeth crowding, a larger sinus cavity for healthier breathing, as well as other orofacial benefits.

If you feel that you have an orofacial myofunctional disorder, contact me and we can discuss any questions or concerns you may have. I look forward to hearing from you.

  • B.A. in Dental Hygiene, NYU

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Certifications & Affiliations

  • RDH-BS, TMD and Orofacial Pain
  • Academy of Orofacial Myofunctional Therapy Certification
  • Certificado Neurotrainers, Entrenamiento en GOpex y Expansores