Contact Information

  • Phone: 561-477-3535
  • 9250 Glades Rd
    Suite 212
    Boca Raton FL 33434

Saadia Mohammed DDS

Palm Beach Pediatric Dentistry
Dr. Saadia has been in private practice since 1998 with a fellowship at Yale New Haven Hospital. She is a board certified pediatric dentist. A member of the Academy of Breastfeeding Medicine, the American Academy of Pediatric Dentistry and American Academy of Pediatrics, and the International Association of Tongue Tie Professionals, the Academy of Applied Myofunctional Sciences, and the Academy of Laser Dentistry. She is also a fellowship certified Biolase trainer and a certified myofunctional therapist. Dr. Saadia can treat lip-ties and tongue-ties painlessly and quickly in her office, using advanced laser technology that offers exceptional results and speeds healing without the need for pain medication. Dr. Saadia doesn’t believe in traditional practices that just clean teeth and fill cavities. Instead, she follows a more proactive and individualized method centered on prevention and education.

“Oral health is a gateway to whole health. We can set children up for a lifetime of wellness. My patients’ parents embrace that because who doesn’t want to be well?” ~Dr. Saadia
Dr. Saadia’s father was a member of the World Health Organization and a major influence on her life and professional goals. He shared with her the ideas he learned at a WHO conference about how to integrate holistic care with traditional medicine. The work of Dr. Deepak Chopra also strongly influenced her. He teaches the importance of the role which neuroendocrinology plays in integrative medicine, a principle that Dr. Saadia embraces.